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Ichimoku Crossover Signal Trading Strategy

The Ichimuko is an indicator that been gaining popularity in recent years, especially among forex traders.

For its versatile uses it known as an “all in one Indicator” 

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Buy Trade:

When we are looking for a buy trade,we’re going to wait for the conversion line to cross above the base line.

But we’re only going to take trade if the lagging span is above current price.If the lagging span is below current price,then we would pass on that buy opportunities.

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Conversion Line(Tenkan Sen) Crossed the Base line(Kijun Sen),Lagging Span(Chikou Span) is above the price.

In this example ,we have both of these criteria occuring here.At this point in time the conversion line crosses above the base line and the lagging span is above the current price.So we would use that as our buy signal.

For our trade management we have a few options for when to exit the trade,and this will come down to the individual trader.

Option1:It is to exit the trade when the lagging span crosses below the current price.


Option 2: Exit the trade when the conversion line crosses back below the baseline.

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Sell Trade:


If looking for a sell trade, we’re going to wait for the conversion line to cross below the base line. We’re only going to take the sell trade if the lagging span is below current price. 

Conversion Line(Tenkan Sen)crossed below the Base Line(Kijun Sen)

In this example, we have both of these criteria occurring here. 

The conversion Line crosses below the baseline and the lagging span is below the current price. So we would use that as our sell signal. 

For our trade management options:

Option 1:

It is to exit the trade when the lagging Span crosses above current price.

Option 2:

It is exit the trade when the conversion line crosses back above the baseline.